
Showing posts from April, 2020

phase I | Wassily Kandinsky Museum

This post compares the assignment of the phase I AutoCAD 3D course and includes the previously shared knowledge on my blog. The work presents my 3D interpretation of  Wassily Kandinsky - Unstable Compensation  painting. A1 PANEL gif overall perspective axonometric view WORK PROCES I started from creating a different lvl ceilings using CONE and SUBSTRACT. I connected the levels with stairs using BOX and ARRAY command. I go to the triangle part of the musem with the ceiling based on the POLYLINE and EXTRUSION. I  created some interior using BOX and I started creating the wall of the triangle form using 3D POLY and THICKEN. The windows are made via SUBSTRACT of BOX and ARRAY. I crated the roof  via EDGESURF and THICKEN. I also made more interior using CYLINDER and lots of SUBSTRACT. I put the paintings into the gallery using ROTATE3D. I created HELIX with EXTRUSION of profile. I also used some SUBSTRACT to c

lesson VII | Extrusions

This classes was about extrusion options. 1. I created some extrusion in chosen angle based on organic spline and polyline shape. 2. I also created some cylinders and tried some INTERSECTION commands - it selects common part of the structures. 3. The opposite command is SUBSTRACT. 4. Then I created some POLYLINE shapes and I created a REGION from them. 5. I tried some SUBSTRACT using that shapes. 6. And use EXTRUDE to give them volume. 7. I also tried some terrain look like object. To create it I started from drawing this form using LINE. 8. Next I used EDGESURF command and chose all 4 edges. 9. To add thickness I used THICKEN. 10. The very interesting operation is LOFT command. I started from drawing 3 circles on the another height. 11. Then I used LOFT and chose all the three circles. 12. I copied the form and created two boxes for the different half of the shapes. 13. SUBSTRACT command. 14. Then I cha

lesson VI | helix and The Guggenheim Museum shape

During this lesson we learnt how to create shape using profile  1. Firstly I  created some HELIX shapes and profile of  square.  2. To add the thickness of HELIX I used EXTRUDE command.  3 . Then I tried some boolean operations like SUBSTRACT. 4. Shaping Guggenheim Museum I started from creating helix again.  5. Then I connected the helix endings via LINE to have THE profile angle.  6. I created the profile.   7 . I used ROTATION3D to connect it with helix angle.  8. The last step its to EXTRUDE  the profile and choose helix as a PATCH to the extrusion.  That is the  Guggenheim Museum.  

lesson V | icosaedron construction

This lesson was about creating an icosaedron. 1. The bottom and top of this object is created with pentagon base and 5 triangles. I begun with creating pentagon with its middle point and the circle, which is our orbit.  2 . After I used ALLIGN to put the triangle in the correct direction. Regarding previous lesson we used array and then mirrored 3d the structure. One of the structure was rotated via 36 degrees.   3 . Then the next triangle was made and ALLIGNED and again the polar array was created from it.  3 . Next I mirrored 3D the faces, rotated it via 36 degrees and connected to a  icosaedron.