phase I | Wassily Kandinsky Museum

This post compares the assignment of the phase I AutoCAD 3D course and includes the previously shared knowledge on my blog. The work presents my 3D interpretation of Wassily Kandinsky - Unstable Compensation painting.



overall perspective
axonometric view


I started from creating a different lvl ceilings using CONE and SUBSTRACT.

I connected the levels with stairs using BOX and ARRAY command.

I go to the triangle part of the musem with the ceiling based on the POLYLINE and EXTRUSION.

I  created some interior using BOX and I started creating the wall of the triangle form using 3D POLY and THICKEN.
The windows are made via SUBSTRACT of BOX and ARRAY.

I crated the roof  via EDGESURF and THICKEN. I also made more interior using CYLINDER and lots of SUBSTRACT.

I put the paintings into the gallery using ROTATE3D.

I created HELIX with EXTRUSION of profile. I also used some SUBSTRACT to create more glass inside the gallery.

Finally I arranged the exterior using WEDGE to create ramp and BOX with SUBSTRACT to create stairs.


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