lesson VII | Extrusions

This classes was about extrusion options.

1. I created some extrusion in chosen angle based on organic spline and polyline shape.

2. I also created some cylinders and tried some INTERSECTION commands - it selects common part of the structures.

3. The opposite command is SUBSTRACT.

4. Then I created some POLYLINE shapes and I created a REGION from them.

5. I tried some SUBSTRACT using that shapes.

6. And use EXTRUDE to give them volume.

7. I also tried some terrain look like object. To create it I started from drawing this form using LINE.

8. Next I used EDGESURF command and chose all 4 edges.

9. To add thickness I used THICKEN.

10. The very interesting operation is LOFT command. I started from drawing 3 circles on the another height.

11. Then I used LOFT and chose all the three circles.

12. I copied the form and created two boxes for the different half of the shapes.

13. SUBSTRACT command.

14. Then I changed the color of one of the subtracted form to prove that they fulfill themselves and connected them.

15. LOFT command works also on another shapes.

16. The another one option was 3DPOLY connected with spline to create an enormous structure.


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